Recent transactions (excluding coinbase)
Recent blocks
Statistics Show/Hide
Total Outputs | 68652411 |
6-digit Dust Outputs | 4676767 |
6-digit Dust Outputs Spent | 2706592 |
3-digit Dust Outputs | 5604604 |
3-digit Dust Outputs Spent | 2816786 |
Not Round Outputs | 528044 |
Not Round Outputs Spent | 470149 |
Total Inputs (Including Coinbase) | 59765210 |
Total Key Inputs (Outputs Spent) | 56566309 |
Inputs Without mix-ins | 30433768 |
Total Transactions (excluding coinbase) | 4415625 |
Transactions with Payment ID | 1678965 |
Transactions locked to Blocks | 8405 |
Transactions locked to Timestamp | 23 |
Node Database Size | 36 GB |